Note: I wrote this on 21/09/2024 on a random walk and life retrospect session.
The Right Time
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always felt left behind in my life. When I was in school, I thought everyone else had their shit sorted out, and in college this feeling multiplied. Even though multiple people have told me that I’m good/on the right path, I never felt it. Most of the things they “knew”, I “discovered” were pretty late. I was a late bloomer in many areas of life. In areas where I was “early”, I tried to compensate for the areas where I was “late”.
If you try to optimise your life, you would want to know the exact way to deal with whatever situation life throws at you - Oh I was it was that easy. Growing up, I realised if you try to live your life in that way, you are setting yourself up for failure. It sounds counter intuitive, but life is not something that is optimised, it is experienced.
Experiences like these make life worth living. No two people are the same, and your ability to create the best life for yourself is the biggest and most important project you’ll ever get to work on. Imagine having an infinite canvas to showcase your art and you draw what everyone else is drawing.
In life, you’ll most likely make your decisions which your future self will be held accountable for. Your ability to craft out your life in those circumstances makes you fulfilled. You are going to make mistakes, not because you are under-prepared, but because you are human.
Once you start seeing obstacles as growth opportunities, you’ll always feel contempt in choices you make in life. The right doors will open if you seek out.
This was an eye-opener for me. There is no “right time” and you are never “late” for anything in life. You create your life with what you have, and your life canvas should be a testament to that. Your canvas should be a representation of you - your suffering, your happiness, your shortcomings, your successes and most importantly your experiences. If you craft your life experiences through other people’s lenses, you will regret decisions you never made in the first place.