Note: I wrote this on 09/05/2024

Love is an act of giving even when you are starved

I guess there is a lot of work already being done romanticizing the beautiful aspects of love, for love is both in the boats of pain and pleasure.

Experiencing love is scary, it is putting your frivolous needs in the driver seat. Love is an appraisal of value, and that at times comes at the cost of realizing that someone other than you is important. For people who are not used to being vulnerable(at the “cost” of compassion), this is very scary. The logical question, in that situation often spirals down to “Why show your weakness?”

Love is messy, I’ve talked about it a lot. I is often very easy to not get vulnerable because the only person who can’t hurt you is only you, so, logically, the saying “expect disappointment and you’ll never be disappointment” fits a little too well.

But love is illogical. You do things that you normally wouldn’t do. Standing with your arms open and set forth your vulnerability shows strength. Surely it seems illogical but it isn’t. Getting used to the fact that your appraisal of love is not determined by someone’s inability to see it takes a lot of resilience.

Love is just unfledged version of responsibility. Ego love is based on expectations and authentic love is based on selflessness, but responsibility is gratuitous. For me, Love is an act of giving even when you are starved.

Love is endless if you seek it with pure intentions, but don’t get scared later if it evolves into responsibility. Love requires effort and dedication, and although it can be overwhelming at times, but for soldiers of love, it’s just another day at the office of absurdity.